Doctor – I am bisexual – are you okay about that?

What is going on with the NHS? Now you are supposed to tell your GP about your sexual orientation. I really cannot see why you need to do that, unless it is relevant to your clinical condition. It is all about odd, and I am not going to be doing that. Sure, I don’t have a hang up about being bisexual, and I have lots of bisexual colleagues at London escorts, but we don’t make a big deal out of it. I really cannot see the relevance when it comes to telling the doctor about my sexuality, according to Eve escorts.

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It sounds to me like the government would like to collect stats and track what people do in their spare time. Whether you are bisexual or not should have any relevance to how you are treated by your doctor. I can understand hem asking you if they suspect that you have some sort of STD or something like that. However, if you don’t have an STD, or relevant condition, I don’t think that they should ask you about your sexuality.

One of my friends here at London escorts hit the nail on the head when she brought up a very valid point. Would they ask a 90 year old lady about her sexuality? I am not sure that a GP would do that, so why should they ask a young girl what her sexuality she is. I don’t think that they havea right to do that at all, and I am not the only girl who is up in arms about the issue. The government spies too much on us anyway.

All of my friends at London esorts know that I am bisexual, and plenty of my friends outside London escorts know as well. They don’t have a problem with it. I wish that I had a doctor friend so that I could ask him what him or her what they think about the idea. It just seems like it is data collecting or something like that. Surely, that is not what GP’s should be doing at all, and I am totally against data mining for the sake of it.

When I was younger, I was a bit of a reactionary as my mom used to call. Most of my friends went with the flow, but I did not. We should be careful with what kind of information we hand out, and at the moment, I think that we are sharing enough of our private lives with the government as it. Yes, it is nice to be open and honest, but at the same time, I do think that there are some things that we should keep to ourselves. Our sexuality is one of them, and I am sure that there are plenty of people out there who agree with me. It is about time we stood up to the government, and told that they are not entitled to all parts of our lives, and in no way, should they be so in the future.

Mike Grey