The Good and Part of Adult Entertainment.

If you were to ask 10 people in the street what they think about London escorts, most of them would probably call us cheap London sluts. This is why I don’t tell anybody that I work for a London escorts agency. Most of the people I know would assume that I am a prostitute and some sort of cheap tart. That is not what working for London escorts is all about at the end of the day. Most of the girls are very nice and far from being so-called ladies of the night.

Of course, there are some downsides to working in the adult entertainment industry in London. Some of the girls who work for London escorts have had rather checkered careers before they joined the companion company. A few of the girls I work with at the elite escorts service I am currently employed by, have come to us via cheap escort services which have been less than reputable. This is why companion escorts often end up with a bad name.

I also know a lot of girls who have worked as strippers in London. Just like so many other London businesses, London escorts agencies have talent scouts. These girls have been noticed by these talents scouts and recruited to join London escorts agencies. Until I met some of them, I did not realise that stripping in London could be such a slave trade. I am glad that I have never been forced to work as a stripper in London.

Before I worked for London escorts, I used to work for a club in London. It was a really nice working environment. It surprised me that a lot of girls think that you are more or less a prostitute when you work as a hostess in a club in London. That is not what it is all about at all. However, I do think that it was a very good way to learn more about looking after gents. Eventually, I drifted into working for London escorts as I met some girls from an elite London escorts agency in Belgravia. They were often out with their gents and they used to go to my club.

Sure, there is some negative side to the London adult entertainment industry. I have learned a lot since I have been with London escorts. I know that there are some jobs that I would certainly not dream of doing. They include working as a stripper and porn star in London. It is not well paid and you get taken advantage of a lot. I would also not consider adult modelling as a career choice. Some girls don’t have a choice and just have to take any job that they can find. In many ways, I think that I should be counting my blessings.

Mike Grey